The Big Bang of Eternal Love

"The Light of Magick" Portal

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I also discussed how it could just be perceived being placed back into the deck. Expanding on this, what if this idea was reversed? In other words, instead of the card being placed back into the deck in the very next moment, in the next moment, the card actually projects an entire deck, which is perceived to be the exact same deck as it was in the previous moment. I stated that for duality, the card only exists because the deck exists, and vice versa. Therefore, if one was to choose the Two of Hearts, in the next moment, for the card to exist, it has to project all of the other 51 cards. On the same note, the 51 cards that were not chosen have to also project another Two of Hearts in the next moment. This is not to say that an extra Two of Hearts will instantly appear in the next moment, but that is because in one’s reality, he or she chose that card and is being perceived to be in his or her hand. In the multiverse, however, each and every one of those cards was chosen and therefore, it is possible that so

Merry meet! Thank you for visiting "The Light of Magick" Portal, home of,,, and I'm RJ Onyx Moonshadow, The Spiritual Cosmologist, and my goal is to assist anyone and everyone in focusing on their dreams and using positive energy in order to achieve them. As you may read in my bio, I have always believed that I am unique, and not just because of my disabilities, but also my different abilities. Ever since I can remember, I have always loved to ponder about the wonders of the universe and explored many opportunities that came my way. Throughout the years, I have become a lightworker, which means I work with positive energy. I know that any and every positive energy will happen. Anything and everything is possible when you focus your energy on it. This is why I love sharing my knowledge, advice, and positive energy with anyone and everyone I come across in my path. I experience The Light of Magick any and every moment and on multiple levels, and I would love for you to as well.  Please enjoy the positive energy that I wish to share with you.

Browse around this website by reading my bio, reading about my books, visiting my store, viewing my photos, watching my videos, seeing my upcoming events, visiting websites about my dear friends of mine who share many, if not all, of the same ideals I do, and reading a personal message from me.

Since 2009, I have shared intriguing questions about the universe and positive messages on both my Facebook page and my Twitter page. A different randomly selected one can be read towards the top of this page each time you visit this website. I started expanding on these positive messages on March 11, 2014, in a video web series The Light of Magick, which has been put on hiatus after its second season finale until further notice. If you're looking for some insight or just some positive energy, please feel free to friend or follow me at the links in the bottom right corner and browse through them. You may also contact me using the form below if you have any questions, looking for spiritual advice, have a suggestion for a future video, or would like to have me as a speaker for your upcoming event.

Love and Light! ) <3 (
